Show/hide elements for logged in users

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We added the ability for user conditions in WP Recipe Maker 8.2.0, making it possible to achieve this without a third party plugin.

You can learn more here: Using conditions in the recipe template.

Using the User Acess Shortcodes plugin

Alternatively you could use the User Access Shortcodes plugin for this functionality.

This will get you some shortcodes you can use to surround any of our own shortcodes to hide show/hide them in specific situations. In the template editor you can do this under "Edit HTML".

For example, the shortcodes added below would show the nutrition facts to anyone who is logged in but not to guests. Guests would get a link telling them to register or login instead:

Take note that both will show up in the template editor preview, but the shortcodes will work as expected on your actual site.

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