For the Nutrition Facts Calculation and Unit Conversion features, WP Recipe Maker makes use of (and pays for) the Spoonacular Food API. Our access is handled through RapidAPI, which is a hub for discovering and connecting to different APIs. Most of the time, this all works flawlessly, but unfortunately it does happen that something breaks...
Are you seeing Warnings related to the recipe metadata in Google Search Console, Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool or in emails Google is sending to you? Warnings are not problems but recommendations While getting emailed about warnings can seem like a big issue, they aren’t something to immediately worry about. You basically get a warning...
If Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool is telling you the “aggregateRating” metadata field is missing it means your recipe doesn’t have any ratings yet. You can get ratings for your recipe with either the comment ratings or user ratings feature. As soon as you get your first rating, this warning will disappear. Take note that it’s only...
Cumulative Layout Shift (or CLS) is one of Google’s “Web Vitals Metrics”. In short, it measures if elements on your page “jump around”. You don’t want visitors misclicking because of a button suddenly moving down when something above finishes loading, for example. You can learn more about the details here. If you’re seeing CLS issues...
WP Recipe Maker uses the WordPress REST API for a lot of its backend functionality: creating and saving recipes, listing recipes on the overview page, calculating nutrition facts, … If you’re getting an error message during one of those actions and it mentions the “403” code or “403 Forbidden”, it means that something thinks you...
When using Cloudflare and its Web Application Firewall they might be blocking requests that our plugin needs for functioning. This can cause you to get errors when opening and saving recipes or making changes to settings or templates. Usually whitelisting your own IP address in Cloudflare helps. To make sure you don’t get this error you...
If the saving of a recipe fails, you’ll find a new “Copy JSON to Clipboard” link next to the “Save” and “Save & Close” buttons of the recipe modal: Clicking on this will copy the recipe in JSON format to your clipboard. By saving this text somewhere you’ll have a copy of the recipe that...
When you add a video to the recipe, you would expect it to show up inside of the recipe card in most cases. Depending on where you’re embedding from it can happen that the video isn’t actually displaying inside of the recipe card, and you and up with just a header showing: Usually when this...
Does it seem like you’re losing all changes when saving a recipe? We’ve found that this can happen in combination with some caching plugins/solutions. Specifically we’ve seen it with LiteSpeed Cache if the “Cache REST API” setting is enabled on their Cache settings page. Try disabling that. We’ve also seen it with Cloudflare Caching. Try...