The template editor can be used to create and edit dynamic templates. You access it by clicking on the “Open the Template Editor” button on the Settings > Visual Link Preview page:

Creating or Editing a Template
The first screen you see when you open the Template Editor is the “Manage Templates” section. Here you see the default templates that are included with the plugin and any templates you might have already created yourself. Click on any of them to see a preview:

When you’ve clicked on one of our default templates you can click on “Clone & Edit Template” to create a new one and use that template as a starting point.
Editing a Template
Once you’re actually editing a template you’ll have 3 different sections to make changes: “Template Properties”, “Block Positions” and “Edit Blocks”:

In short this how to use these sections:
- Template Properties – Used to edit general properties that apply to the surrounding container
- Block Positions – Used to reposition or add new blocks by dragging and dropping
- Edit Blocks – Used to edit the individual blocks like the title, summary and image
Using Your New Template
When you’re happy with the new template you’ve created, make sure to then change the “Default Template” setting on the Settings > Visual Link Preview page to actually use it.