Default Filter Selections

This feature is available in WP Ultimate Post Grid Premium

This feature can be used if you want default filter selections to be active whenever a visitors comes to the grid page. In the Premium version this is possible by adding parameters to the filter shortcode (not the grid or grid with filters shortcode):

[wpupg-filter id=”my-grid” post_tag="animals,travel" category="living-things"]

In this example the grid would have "Animals" and "Travel" as the tag filters and "Living Things" as the default selection for the category when the page gets loaded.

The parameter can be any taxonomy key followed by the term slugs you want to be selected by default.

Default Filter Selections in the Block Editor

In the Gutenberg Block Editor you could either work with the shortcode or set those same parameters in the sidebar of the Filter Block:

Take note that you don't add the full shortcode here, only the parameters you want to pass along.

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