To create or edit a grid you go to the Grids > Manage page where you can always find an overview of all of your grids.

To edit, click on the pencil icon on the left of the grid. To create a new one, click on the blue “Create Grid” button in the top right of the screen.
The Grid Edit Screen
When creating or editing a grid you’ll find yourself in the Grid Edit Screen, which will be the main screen to use for setting up all of the grid functionality.

At the bottom of each edit screen you’ll always have a preview of the grid, so you can see exactly what you are changing. Use the different device preview options to get an idea of what your grid will look like on desktop, tablet or mobile:

There is a ton of functionality here, so we’ll cover all of the different tabs on different pages:
Next Steps
Once you’ve created a grid you’ll probably want to actually add it to your website.