With the Data Source section you set the exact items that will be displaying in this particular grid.
Type of Grid can be a “Grid of Posts, Pages or Custom Post Types”, which is the default. Choose this when you want to display individual posts in a grid. For example, a grid of all of the blog posts on your website. Or a grid of all of the images on your website. “Grid of Category or Taxonomy Terms” is the other option and is used to display the categories itself as grid items.
Use Post Types to pick the exact post types you want to display in the grid. These can be the standard “Posts” or “Pages” but also “Attachments” for images on your website or any other custom post type you might have. Choosing multiple post types is possible as well!
Ordering Grid Items
Finally, with Order By and Order you decide the order of the grid items. These are the options for regular posts:
- Title
- Date
- Random
- Menu Order (for pages only)
- Custom Field (see below)
For a grid of terms you have the following options:
- Name
- Slug
- ID
- Description
- Post Count
Order grid by Custom Field
With a grid of posts you can order by any custom field associated with those posts. If you have a grid of WP Recipe Maker recipes, you can set it up to order by their star rating like this, for example: