Seeing the following message on the top of every admin screen?

This means that you are not using the latest version of the plugin but are rather working in Legacy mode. Legacy mode was added in WP Ultimate Post Grid 3.0.0 which was a major rebuild of the grid plugin.
How to get out of Legacy Mode
To get out of Legacy Mode you need to make sure you have the latest version of both the free “WP Ultimate Post Grid” and paid “WP Ultimate Post Grid Premium” plugin activated. You can follow these steps to update both plugins.
If you were using WP Ultimate Post Grid Premium before version 3.0.0 you would not have the free “WP Ultimate Post Grid” plugin activated. As of 3.0.0 this is required, so follow these steps to install it and make use of the latest functionality.
Take note that version 3.0.0 was a major rebuild and not everything will work as before. You can stay in Legacy Mode as long as required though.
Where are my grid templates?
With WP Ultimate Post Grid 3.0.0 we introduced a brand new Template Editor. Unfortunately, this is a major overhaul that works completely different and it was not possible to have these templates migrated.
If you don’t have time to rebuild these templates in the new editor right now, you can always go back to Legacy Mode and have it like before.
How to go back to Legacy Mode
To go back to Legacy Mode, simply deactivate the free WP Ultimate Post Grid plugin while keeping the WP Ultimate Post Grid Premium plugin activated.