Use the clone icon on the Grids > Manage page to create a new grid, starting as a duplicate of the other one. This can help you save time when creating a lot of similar grids.
For some advanced use cases you might want to limit a grid dynamically based on certain variables. Fields you can limit by Limiting by Taxonomy Terms An example use case would be the inclusion of a grid on the taxonomy.php page and filtering that grid by that specific term. In the Premium version this is possible...
As of version 3.6.0, the plugin allows you to set a custom term order while editing the grid filter. Under “Filter Terms” set the “Term Order” setting to “Custom Order”. This will get you a new “Custom Terms Order” tab that shows all the terms for this filter and allows you to drag and drop...
This feature can be used if you want default filter selections to be active whenever a visitors comes to the grid page. In the Premium version this is possible by adding parameters to the filter shortcode (not the grid or grid with filters shortcode): In this example the grid would have “Animals” and “Travel” as the...
Some of the grid filters will have the option to change the source from “Taxonomies” to “Custom Field”. This will allow you to filter by any custom field associated with the post in the grid: You will need to know the key of the custom field you want to filter by and make sure to...
Our Text Search Filter is using the built-in WordPress search functionality, which only searches the post title and content by default. To alter this search functionality we added support for the WP Extended Search plugin. This is a lightweight plugin that allows you to finetune the behavior of the WordPress search in various ways. Once...
Custom Links and Images for Post Items By default a grid item will link to the post permalink and show its featured image in the grid. It is however possible to manually set a custom link and/or image for individual grid items. To be able to do that for a specific post type, make sure...
On the Layout tab you will have a “Center Grid” checkbox available that makes sure the grid is in the center of the page: But take note that this checkbox can only show up when “Layout Style” is set to “Masonry (Pinterest like)” and you don’t have a different layout style for tablet or mobile....