After using the Export Recipes to JSON feature you’ll end up with a .json file that can be imported on the WP Recipe Maker > Import Recipes page after clicking on the “Import Recipes from JSON” link:

Select the file and use the “Import JSON” button to import the recipes. After importing they will be available on the WP Recipe Maker > Manage page. Take note of the different import types. By default, importing creates new recipes for every recipe in the import file but it’s also possible to edit existing recipes based on id or slug.
Do take note that when editing existing recipes you’ll be overwriting their current values with whatever is in the JSON import file.

One field that can’t be imported at the moment is an uploaded video. Embedded videos will get imported correctly.
Importing User Ratings
If your export to JSON included the User Ratings, these will get imported as well. Take note that this happens asynchronously in the background so you might have to give it a few minutes before they all show up, depending on how many ratings had to be imported.
The Import Doesn’t Complete
If the blue progress bar doesn’t fill up completely when doing the import, it’s possibly because of a PHP error. We recommend checking with your webhost if there are any specific errors in the error log.
You could also try increasing the PHP execution and memory limit. Your webhost should be able to help with that as well.
Format of the JSON file
An example export of the Amazing Vegetable Pizza recipe on our demo site can be found here:
It is possible to manually construct a file like this as well, but it does need to follow our exact format or the import will not work. Use the example above or export one of your existing recipes to check what the file should look like.