For the Nutrition Facts Calculation and Unit Conversion features, WP Recipe Maker makes use of (and pays for) the Spoonacular Food API. Our access is handled through RapidAPI, which is a hub for discovering and connecting to different APIs.
Most of the time, this all works flawlessly, but unfortunately it does happen that something breaks down in one of those 3 places: WP Recipe Maker, RapidAPI or Spoonacular. Unfortunately only the plugin side is under our control, so sometimes the only thing we can do on our end is waiting. If something breaks down, we’ll use this page to give you a status update and let you know what we know.
Does this status not match your experience? Contact us!
Current Status
- No known issues. Take note that this page is manually updated by us, so if the incident only recently started we might not be aware yet.
Want to get notified when incidents get resolved? Leave your email address here!
Can I use WP Recipe Maker while the API is down?
Yes! All of the core WP Recipe Maker functionality will keep working. The API helps calculate the nutrition facts and/or converted unit system, but you can still fill in those values manually as well. So the API being down does not prevent you from publishing recipes.
While less inconvenient, you could use one of the many free online tools to calculate those nutrition facts instead, and then manually fill them in. Just a few example sites that could help with that:
2024-12-09 to 2024-12-11 — About 35 hours of degraded API experience
- 2024-12-11 | 08:00 CET — Issues seem to have been resolved
- 2024-12-09 | 21:00 CET — First notice of issue. Requests go through but responses are very slow, resulting in timeouts
2023-10-25 to 2023-10-29 — Multiple days of degraded API experience due to problem on RapidAPI’s end.
- 2023-10-29 | 20:00 CET — Issues seem to have been resolved
2023-10-27 | 09:50 CET — Released WP Recipe Maker Premium 8.10.2
- Includes a link to this API Status page.
- Tries to anticipate the rate limit issue RapidAPI mentioned and retry API requests for longer. Should result in some calculations going through eventually, even with degraded experience.
2023-10-27 | 08:04 CET — RapidAPI confirmed that the issue is on their end:
- “We have an ongoing issue with the rate limit and we already escalated this matter to our development team. We are doing our best to resolve this issue at the earliest. Our customer support team is also working to ensure that this issue does not happen again.”
- 2023-10-26 | 23:12 CET — Spoonacular is not aware of any issues. No response from RapidAPI yet.
- 2023-10-25 | 18:30 CET — First notice of issue. All ingredients stay orange when calculating.
- 2023-10-27 — Created this API Status page to improve communication to our customers. Earlier incidents not recorded here.