Offer a nicely formatted print version of your recipes that can easily be printed by just a click on the “Print” button.
Changing the print template
Just like the regular recipe template, the print template can be changed in the Template Editor. Choose the template you want to use for the print version on the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Print Version page:
Showing images on the print page
Visitors can toggle images on or off before printing. On WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Print Version page you can set what the default should be:
Adding credit to the print page
On the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Print Version page you can optionally set some text to display at the bottom of every printed recipe, to add credit for your website:
Showing an ad on the print page
The footer of the print page can be used to show ads (or any other content, really). On the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Print Version page you can add the HTML you want to show there:
On our demo site we added this to display a simple banner image:
<img src="" style="max-width: 100%;" />