Recipe Collections allow your visitors to save the recipes on your website in their own collections and then generate a shopping list for them. Can be used for collecting favorites, meal planning and much more!
For visitors, the collections are automatically stored in their browser for later reuse. For logged in users they are saved in the database and will be accessible from any device, when they are logged in.
Getting started with the (Saved) Recipe Collections Feature
This video covers the basics on getting started with (Saved) Recipe Collections:
How to use Recipe Collections
- How to add the feature to your website
- Recipe Collections 101 – How to use this feature
- Viewing and editing Recipe Collections of your users
Customizing Recipe Collections
- Restricting access to logged in users or members only
- Changing the Recipe Collections layout
- Display nutrition facts per column for your collections
- Use custom recipes, ingredients and notes in your collections
- Ingredient Groups for the Shopping List
- Setting default collections for new users
- Quick add pre-made collections
- Starter Templates for Collections
Check the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Recipe Collections page for all the options!
Overview of some Advanced Recipe Collections features
This video gives a quick overview of some of the more advanced collections features like pre-made collections and starter templates:
Recipe Collections Examples
Need some ideas on how to use this feature? How about keeping track of your favorite recipes:

Planning your weekly meals:

Or finding the perfect menu for your Birthday Party: