When you add a video to the recipe, you would expect it to show up inside of the recipe card in most cases. Depending on where you’re embedding from it can happen that the video isn’t actually displaying inside of the recipe card, and you and up with just a header showing:

Usually when this happens, it’s because the video is already showing up elsewhere on the page. This can be due to 2 reasons:
1. You also added that same video inside of the regular post content. Some video providers only display the same video once on a page, preventing it from showing up a second time inside of the recipe card.
2. The video provider has some kind of “Optimize video placement” option. They then take the video outside of its place (inside of the recipe card) and show it elsewhere on the page, wherever they think it fits best. This is usually a setting that can be disabled on their end.
If you don’t actually want the video to show up inside of the recipe card, follow these instructions to remove the video block in the Template Editor: Removing the Recipe Video.
Alternatively you could also use the Template Editor to edit the video block and not have the “Video” header appear.