WP Recipe Maker 5.0.0 is a major update as we completely redesigned and rebuilt both the recipe modal and recipe manage page. This allows for many features that weren’t possible before and provides us with an amazing foundation for some more exciting upcoming features.
On this page we’ll highlight just some of the changes and tell you about what’s next!
The new Recipe Modal
You’ll probably notice this change right away as the new modal does look a bit different. It still contains pretty much the same fields and features though, just in a streamlined and mobile-friendly way.

We’ve also updated the modal you see after clicking on the “WP Recipe Maker” button in the Classic Editor:

This should make it even easier to add all of our features.
Toolbar for Rich Editing
When you’re in a field that allows for rich editing (the summary, ingredients and instructions) you’ll notice a new toolbar at the bottom. This toolbar allows you to change the styling, add links, shortcodes and special symbols.

If you’re in the Ingredient Name field you’ll even see suggestions of ingredients that already exist on your website and the number of recipes they are used in. Just click on a suggestion to use it for this recipe as well:

This feature is great for keeping your ingredients consistent!
Display your recipe times as 0
If a recipe doesn’t require any prep and/or cook time at all, you might want to highlight that in your recipe box. This is now possible by checking the
Show “0” in template box.

We’ll automatically add this to the recipe metadata as well.
A powerful new Manage page
The WP Recipe Maker > Manage page is even more powerful than before with a lot of different columns to display, sort and filter by.

We’ve also added Bulk Edit, allowing you to add the same keyword to a lot of different recipes at once, for example.

Manage User and Comment Ratings
You now have full control over all ratings that are given to your recipes on the WP Recipe Maker > Manage > Ratings page.

Use Ingredient Groups in the Shopping List
Using our Recipe Collections feature? You are now able to assign different groups to ingredients which they will automatically by grouped by in the shopping list:

Never lose anything with Recipe Revisions
Ever accidentally updated a recipe and losing information? If you have Recipe Revisions enabled WP Recipe Maker will now automatically store revisions that you can view and revert to on the Manage page.

What’s next?
Completely rewriting both the recipe modal and manage page was quite a bit of work, but this new foundation allows us to develop new features even faster than before.
Just a few features that we’ll build on top of this in the very near future:
- Custom recipe fields
- Custom nutrients
- Recipe export and import