Displaying recipes in a grid or index
WP Recipe Maker does not include an index or grid feature. We do however integrate with one of our other plugins: WP Ultimate Post Grid.
WPUPG is a grid plugin with a free and Premium version and a lot of options for filtering and displaying recipes. Any of the recipe taxonomies you've defined can be used as a filter for the grid, just like any custom fields and many of the default recipe
With the WP Ultimate Post Grid Premium plugin you are also able to add any of the recipe parts to the grid template through the Grid Template Editor.
Creating a Recipe Grid with WP Ultimate Post Grid
Check out the documentation on creating a grid in WP Ultimate Post Grid or take a look at this video:
A few important things to keep in mind for a recipe grid:
- By default a grid only displays published recipes. With WP Recipe Maker, a recipe is only published when you add it to a regular post and then publish that post. That post is what the grid item will link to.
- To display only recipes in the grid and filter by recipe fields, make sure to select "Recipes" as the Post Type on the "Data Source" screen
Outputting ItemList Metadata in the grid
When using WP Ultimate Post Grid for the recipes on your website we recommend enabling the "ItemList Metadata" checkbox on the Other tab when editing the grid. This basically outputs the same ItemList Metadata WPRM uses for roundup posts and can get your grid pages show up as carousels in Google's search results.
Filtering by recipe fields
Any of the recipe taxonomies (think courses, cuisines, ingredients, ...) can easily be filtered by, but the WP Ultimate Post Grid plugin also allows you to filter by custom fields. Here are some example custom field keys you can filter by:
Custom Field Key | Recipe Field |
wprm_rating_average | Average Rating |
wprm_rating_count | Number of ratings |
wprm_prep_time | Prep Time |
wprm_cook_time | Cook Time |
wprm_custom_time | Custom Time |
wprm_total_time | Total Time |
wprm_cost | Recipe Cost |
wprm_type | Recipe type (food, howto, other) |
wprm_nutrition_%nutrient% | Replace %nutrient% with any key you find on the WP Recipe Maker > Manage > Your Custom Fields > Custom Nutrients page For example: wprm_nutrition_calories or wprm_nutrition_fat |
wprm_custom_field_%key% | Replace %key% with any key you find on the WP Recipe Maker > Manage > Your Custom Fields > Custom Fields page |
Make sure to read the documentation on how to add ranges for those custom fields as well.
Using other grid plugins/solutions
Recipes are a regular custom post type, but recipes are not a public post type. This means that while most grid solutions can display custom post types, they usually won't be able to display WPRM recipes without a specific integration. They will be able to display the parent posts for those recipes, but you then won't have the recipe taxonomies (courses, cuisines, ingredients, ...) available to filter by.
Therefore we recommend using a grid plugin that has a specific WP Recipe Maker integration. Our own WP Ultimate Post Grid plugin mentioned above has that. The popular FacetWP plugin as well, by installing their recipe add-on.