WP Recipe Maker 5.6.0 includes some highly anticipated features that we hope you’ll love! Lets cover the highlights:
Equipment Images
Draw attention to your equipment links by adding Equipment Images:

Could be a great way to boost your affiliate sales!
Preventing bad User Ratings
Frustrated by people leaving bad ratings for your recipes by simply clicking on the stars? You can now prevent user ratings for certain star values and force them to leave a comment instead!

Above is how we’ve set it on our demo site. Try leaving a 1 star rating for this recipe by clicking on it: https://demo.wprecipemaker.com/amazing-vegetable-pizza/
Ingredients in Recipe Collections
After custom recipes and notes you are now able to add individual ingredients to recipe collections as well. These will be the Custom Nutrition Ingredients you can set on the Manage page.
In the example below this is used to optionally add bacon to a dish (and make sure that bacon ends up in both the shopping list and nutrition facts):

Anything else?
A few other improvements:
- A setting to not output ItemList metadata when there is already recipe metadata on the page
- The ability to add Custom Taxonomies to the Recipe Submission form
- …
Check out the full changelog if you want to learn more.