Keep an eye on any changes made to recipes with the recipe changelog feature that can be enabled on the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Changelog page:

When enabled, the changelog will currently track these changes, with optional email notifications for selected ones:
- recipe_created: The creation of a new recipe
- recipe_edited: Editing of an existing recipe
- recipe_trashed: Moving a recipe to the trash (where it will automatically get deleted after x days)
- recipe_deleted: Permanently deleting a recipe
Whenever these actions happen, a change will get logged to track when it happened and what user made the change. This allows us to later go back to WP Recipe Maker > Manage > Changelog page and look up what happened to a specific recipe ID, for example:

Especially when multiple users have access to the backend, this could be useful to keep track of things and figure out what happened in case anything goes wrong.
Do you want to see other changes being tracked?
Are you interested in other changes being tracked? Feel free to send your ideas to and we’ll see what’s possible!