Set a custom author and optional author link per recipe to give credit. Make sure the author is set to “Custom author name”. That will allow you to set a link:

Author Links when using “Post Author”
If you have the recipe set to display the “Post Author” you can enable author links as well. You do so on the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Links > Author Links page:

This can be an automatic link to the author archive page (which lists all posts by that author) or the website link as defined on the Users > Profile page in the backend.
Use the same Author Name and Link for every recipe
It’s also possible to use the same author name and link for every single recipe. If you want that, go to the WP Recipe Maker > Settings > Recipe Editing > Defaults page and set it to “Same author for every recipe” like in this example:

This will affect all recipes, so it’s not possible to then change the author for specific recipes.
Bulk Editing Authors
Ever need to change the author for multiple recipes at once? The bulk editing feature on the WP Recipe Maker > Manage page is perfect for that!